EDucation INland NAvigation Conference 2022 is the first from the kind forum focused on problems of education in inland navigation.
The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars, representatives from the central and local administrations, the state and non-state authorities, shipping companies and national and international non-governmental organizations in the inland navigation, transport and education sphere with the aim to discuss and analyze current challenges and changes in the education in inland navigation.
EINC 2022 will be a field to exchange and share experience and research results in the area of education of inland navigation, training, certification and implementation of the new standards. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for scientists, engineers, practitioners and people from shipping companies and certification authorities to present their ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of the innovations in the education in inland navigation.
The proceedings will be issued prior to the conference. Papers should be written in English and in accordance with the instructions to authors in template. Single author may participate in up to two papers, irrespectively of number of co-authors per paper. The proceedings will be included in the Spring Issue of Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy (SBNA indexed by Scopus) by the end of June.
Abstracts should be text-only up to 250 words long, and should be written in English language. Immediately after abstract, please provide at least 4 keywords. Abstracts should be submitted using our point of contact until February 17, 2022. The authors will be informed about acceptance in due time after receiving the abstract.
Submission Details:
Papers need to be submitted to the official email of the conference EINC@nvna.eu with subject:
- abstract submission – (name of author)
Articles should be text-only up to 4,000 words long and submitted in English via our point of contact, using the template, no later than April 11, 2022. Abstracts and full papers will have international review and similarity check. Review report and confirmation of acceptance will be sent until May 2, 2022. A short time window will be given to authors to make some adjustments and to submit the final version of the papers. Accepted article will be published in the conference proceedings.
Submission Details:
Papers need to be submitted to the official email of the conference EINC@nvna.eu with subject:
- paper submission – (name of author)
Presentation should be given in English and oral presentation should be in English language as well.
Conference attendance:
The registration fee is 60€ and includes:
– conference proceeding preparation
– social activities during the conference
Bank details:
IBAN: BG87STSA93003106864001
In case the COVID restrictions do not allow traveling, EDucation INland NAvigation Conference 2022 will be planned in an online format.
- Abstract submission and notification of acceptance: February 17, 2022
- Paper submission: April 11, 2022
- Paper review and plagiarism check: May 9, 2022
- Paper review report and confirmation of acceptance: May 9, 2022
- Proceedings preparation: June 30, 2022
- Registration fee deadline: May 13, 2022
- Payment deadline: May 13, 2022